Who was evicted on Big Brother 24 in Week 4?
Nicole Layog
The former cop-turned-chef had her game turned on its head when she lost her “best friend” in Ameerah. After just missing out on HoH to Monte, the new majority debated getting rid of her or Alyssa. But when Monte approached Daniel about not using the Veto, he and Nicole were pushed in the opposite direction, believing that he was trying to cover for not having the votes to save Taylor. As a result, Nicole willingly put herself on the block, unknowingly sealing her fate in the process.
Who won Head of Household on Big Brother 24 in Week 5?
The HoH competition didn’t happen in this episode. Find out who won in Sunday’s night episode.
Who’s left in the game on Big Brother 24?
Alyssa SniderBrittany HoopesDaniel DurstonIndy SantosJasmine DavisJoseph AbdinKyle CapenerMatthew TurnerMichael BrunerMonte TaylorTaylor HaleTerrance Higgins
Next, check out our interview with Ameerah Jones, who was evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 3.