Does this scenario sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience early morning headaches on a regular basis. And as it turns out, there are a handful of reasons why. Here’s what to know.

Waking up with a headache

Here are nine possible reasons why you’re always waking up with a headache.

Sleep deprivation or oversleeping

Studies show that there is a strong connection between sleeping issues and headache disorders. “We need adequate rest every night to restore our body’s function so getting too little or too much can affect us negatively,” says Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD, host of “The Dr. OzShow” and Professor of Surgery at Columbia. “It can also be a snowball effect because if you suffer from headaches, you are more likely to not get sufficient sleep. Try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night.”

Chronic conditions

There may be an underlying health issue that’s to blame for your early morning headaches. “If you’re someone who is caught completely off guard by the presence of a headache, then you may want to visit a doctor to determine whether your headaches are being caused by a chronic condition,” says Jay Woody, MD, FACEP and chief medical officer of Intuitive Health and a co-founder of Legacy ER & Urgent Care. “We’ve all probably heard of migraine headaches. While intense and uncomfortable, many times people can manage these headaches once they get a complete diagnosis. But if you’re still in the dark and wondering what’s causing your headaches, it may be much harder to get to the root of the problem.”

Grinding your teeth

Grinding your teeth, also known as “bruxism,” occurs when you clench and grind your teeth with and without being aware of it. Dr. Oz explains, “grinding your teeth at night, puts pressure on the muscles, tissues, and other structures around the jaw, which can cause individuals to wake up with dull headaches in the morning.” Stress is a leading cause for bruxism. “People who clench or grind their teeth during sleep are more likely to have other sleep disorders, such as snoring and pauses in breathing (sleep apnea),” Dr. Oz adds. “Treatment may involve a mouth guard, stress management or medication.”

Depression or anxiety

According to research, chronic morning headaches are an indicator of anxiety, depression and insomnia. In other words, your mental health may be the root of the problem. “Mood disorders can impact your quality of life and managing your mental health conditions may decrease the occurrences of early morning headaches. For therapy and treatment of a mental health condition, contact your healthcare professional,” Dr. Oz states.


Tension headaches have become extremely common, since the source is something we all experience: stress. “They’re usually brought on by stress, which is something most Americans are quite familiar with,” says Dr. Woody. “You’ll usually feel a dull ache (rather than throbbing pain) all around your head. You may also feel tenderness in your neck, shoulders, or scalp. Chronic tension headaches usually require prescription medications and/or a change in lifestyle to reduce stress, but a one-off tension headache may be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers.”

Alcohol or medication

This one isn’t very surprising. Hangovers can be debilitating and if you drink on a regular basis, it will only escalate the problem. “Drugs and alcohol can have a number of effects on the body even hours after consuming,” says Dr. Oz. “When you have a hangover from drinking too much, alcohol can cause dehydration, has effects on your hormones, blood-chemistry, and sleep-wake cycle that can cause nasty headaches.” If you’re drinking alcohol, be sure to drink water in between. This will keep you hydrated and minimize hangover symptoms. “Try to consume plenty of water between drinks and also the next morning to reduce the chance of you getting a headache,” Dr. Oz explains. “If your morning headaches are recent, take a note of if you recently started any medication and discuss with your doctor because there might be alternatives that are better for you.”


Migraines affect more than 37 million people in the U.S., according to the American Migraine Association. And the most common time for migraine to occur is the early morning. Dr. Oz explains, “a migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities.”

Cluster headaches

Slightly different than migraines, cluster headaches last for specific amounts of time and turn into a recurrent problem. Spring and fall are common times of year when sufferers will experience these types of headaches. “These types of aches are severe and are often noted to be a piercing type of pain,” Dr. Woody explains. “They usually occur on one side of the face at a time; in some cases, swelling, redness, and congestion may occur. Strangely, these headaches can last anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours but will arrive around the same time of day for a specific period of time, usually for a few months at a time. Many sufferers experience a few of these headaches in a row, but in between these cluster times, they won’t have any symptoms.  headaches, and men are three times more likely to experience clusters. And while health experts aren’t exactly sure what causes cluster headaches, many people find relief through oxygen therapy, local anesthetic, corticosteroids, melatonin, and calcium channel blockers.

Strained muscles

Start paying closer attention to your sleep position and your sleep environment. “Strained muscles on your neck can cause headaches if you don’t sleep in a good position,” says Dr. Oz. “Try different pillows if you suspect this is the case and find one that properly supports your neck and spine.”

How to prevent headaches

Keep a headache journal. This helps you and your doctor determine what’s causing your headaches.“Every time you get a headache, you should record when it occurred, how long it lasted for and describe it in detail,” says Dr. Oz. “Make sure to include any notable activities that you were doing before the onset of the headache.” In order to prevent headaches, it’s important to understand the underlying cause. By looking at the list of causes above and which one you identify with, you can take the steps you need to improve your health.

Treatments for headaches

Most headaches can be treated with over the counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen, Dr. Oz explains. However, if those don’t work there are a few effective alternatives.


Research confirms the wide range of massage health benefits, particularly when it comes to managing headaches. This can be especially helpful if you have tight muscles in the back of your head, neck and shoulders, says Dr. Oz. They can also help you reduce stress and promote relaxation which can ultimately lead to better sleep.

Lifestyle changes

In some cases, headaches can be treated by simply making some changes to your lifestyle and environment. For example, if you engage in regular activities that cause intense use of your senses, such as looking at bright screens, headaches are common, Dr. Woody explains.


While there are mixed results, some studies have shown this technique can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches, Dr. Oz states.


Sometimes the solution is as simple as drinking more water. “Hydration is key, and dehydration is often the cause of headaches,” Dr. Woody explains. There are certain foods that can also be a source of hydration. The following foods contain at least 85% water: Cucumbers, celery, iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, spinach and strawberries.

Peppermint oil

It is one of the most commonly used essential oils to treat headaches and migraine attacks. “Menthol, active in peppermint oil, activates receptors that produce a cooling sensation,” says Dr. Oz. “When menthol containing products are applied to the head and face, certain receptors are activated to produce a reduction in pain sensation.” Essential oils have powerful healing properties, and peppermint is well-known for providing pain relief. Next, read 8 best headache relief tips and tricks. Sources

Mehmet Oz, host of “The Dr. Oz Show” and Professor of Surgery at ColumbiaJay Woody, MD, FACEP, chief medical officer of Intuitive Health and co-founder of Legacy ER & Urgent CareTherapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders: “Sleep Disturbances in Tension Type Headache and Migraine”The Journal of the American Medical Association: “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Morning Headaches in the General Population”American Massage Therapy Association: “Massage Can Be Effective for Tension Headaches” Waking Up With a Headache  9 Reasons for Morning Headaches - 84