Today’s Wordle Answer #249: Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022

If you need a hint for today’s Wordle answer, think of what a treasure it is to play every day. Our Wordle starting wordtoday was “HEART.” Why? February is Heart Health Month, and we’re feeling inspired—plus we have two vowels, H, R and T. That gave us a good start, as the puzzle showed us that E, R and T were all in play, even if somewhere else. We next tried out “TIMER”—for which many Wordle players are thankful isn’t a feature of the game. (Seriously, some players wait all day before planning out their next try—are you one of those Wordlers?) From there, we knew our Wordle solution began with T and likely ended in E. We’re writers here, so our next try was “TROPE”: Overused, except in this game, apparently, because it was our first time testing it out! It turns out that sometimes cliches can work, because we were only off by a single letter at this point. Thanks to a lack of basically anything else fitting in the English language, we knew our Wordle #249 solution: “TROVE.” If you play Wordle in the morning, today’s solution may be a reminder of all the great things to be thankful for: Simple, small things like Wordle, loved ones with whom to share scores and the calm certainty and simultaneous excitement that comes with knowing that if you didn’t do well today, there’s another fun puzzle to solve tomorrow. (Just beware that tomorrow’s Wordle solution has the potential to be spoiled if you’re not careful!) Next, find out how to access the Wordle archive to play all the previous puzzles you may have missed!

Today s Wordle Answer  249  Wednesday  February 23rd Solution - 11Today s Wordle Answer  249  Wednesday  February 23rd Solution - 15