So one of those complicated storylines involved you apparently flirting with a number of women in the game. What do you think of that perception, and was that something you did strategically?Cinco: Honestly, it’s crazy how they don’t show a lot of things. I was flirting but a lot of it was just regular conversation. Desi has a boyfriend back home. That’s not really flirting; I had a bug bite on my back that I couldn’t reach. Tiffany and I had a prior relationship beforehand. We’ve been cool before. So me talking to her and carrying her to the bed when she messed up her ankle, that’s considered flirting? I had like allegations with every girl in the house, even Azah. So I’m like, “How am I supposed to talk to anybody here?” I was annoying that every girl in there that I was “flirting” with, I couldn’t even really have a really good conversation with, because they were afraid of being accused of flirting. That’s not what it was; it’s just the game. Azah, you had an eventful premiere episode, losing the first daily, but winning the elimination. How much did that impact the way people viewed you?Azah: Even with us getting last in that challenge, I was the only person that went up 22 flights of steps. And other people did know that I did not prepare for The Challenge before coming in. But I think it instead showed that don’t give up. It definitely showed that I might not be the strongest person, but one thing I’m never going to do is throw in the towel. And I think that is a good value to have when looking at a partner. So while I have some weaknesses, I have some strengths as well.Cinco, in talking with some of the Love Island people who have been eliminated, it seems like you were not necessarily with them from either a social or strategic perspective. Talk to me more about that.Cinco: I was cool with them. But I know they weren’t cool with Cashel and me. I literally felt like a lone wolf when it came to Love Island. Cash had the support. They weren’t really talking to me. It was like I was getting the cold shoulder sometimes. So it’s hard not being welcomed and wanting to work with somebody. But I really had no problem feeling like the lone wolf, honestly. I kind of expected it. I’m like, “Look, I’m still gonna play my game. I’m still gonna get to know other people. And I’m gonna do what’s best for me.” We don’t win money as a team like on Love Island. We win individually. So there were gonna be some points where we’d have to go against each other. So if they’re gonna act like that, that just made it easier for me. Later on, I got cooler with people like Justine and Shannon. I was mad for Javonny leaving early because that was my ace. So I had to get to know other people. I had to find somebody I could trust and work with. I’m gonna find somebody that I can trust and work with. Finally, in honor of the infamous “[expletive] They Should Have Shown” episode of the old-school days of The Challenge, what’s one moment from your time on the show that you wish had made the edit?Cinco: Let’s see…“Condomgate.” I’ll let Azah explain that. But I feel like a lot of the going out scenes weren’t really shown at all. We went out in the city every week. And it was a good time. We’re just chilling out, having fun, talking. Getting to play cards with some of these people was when I realized, “This is fun.” They don’t really show a lot of other social aspects. I was really cool with a lot of the Survivor guys: Dom, Danny, Tyson, Ben. All of them were really cool people. Even Big Brother guys like Kyland and Xavier, I liked getting to hang with them too.Alright, Azah, you’ve been teed up. Tell me about “Condomgate”!Azah: (Laughs.) Well, yeah, that’s one thing. I do want to first bring up we had some great social dynamics in the house between the games that we played and things that didn’t get captured. But when we did go out we did truly have fun and have a good time together. So “Condomgate,” thank you for teeing me up, Cinco. So there was a “gift” found in the shower stall. And we spent an entire day trying to play Clue and figure out who it was. I was never a suspect. However, Mr. Melvin Holland Jr. was a suspect. He states that he’s not guilty to this day. We don’t know who the culprit is. But something happened, and it definitely looked like it had been used for what its purpose was. (Laughs.)Cinco: That’s why I was trying to figure it out. I was like, “Why in the world are they accusing me?” I know people want to think it was me. But no, I’m a child of God, like Azah.Azah: (Laughs.) As am I. As am I.Next, read our interview with Xavier Prather and Shan Smith, who were eliminated in The Challenge: USA Episode 4.