Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diet trends out there. And while the last thing many new moms (rightfully!) want to think about is losing weight, others are eager to get back to a place where they feel more confident in their bodies sooner rather than later. So, is intermittent fasting safe while you’re nursing? Here’s what the experts say.

Should you intermittent fast while breastfeeding?

The short answer is … it’s complicated. Because it’s hard to safely study women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, there isn’t a ton of research on this topic. But if you do choose to do intermittent fast, it’s extra important to listen to your body and pick up on any cues from your baby. “Intermittent fasting can be done safely during breastfeeding, but it is important that it is done correctly and cautiously,” says registered dietitian Kristin Gillespie. “Otherwise, it can be harmful as it restricts not only mom’s nutrients, but also baby’s.” A good rule of thumb should you choose to intermittent fast while nursing is that you not opt for ultra-restrictive forms like that 5/2 method, and even the 16/8 method could be too restrictive. “It is recommended that breastfeeding women utilize shorter fasting times when practicing intermittent fasting,” says Gillespie. “It is also recommended that these women work with a nutrition professional to ensure that mom and baby are getting an adequate amount of nutrients.” She adds that if you are practicing intermittent fasting, eating nutrient-dense foods is key. “Prioritize whole grains, fruits and vegetables to ensure that you and baby and both getting the micronutrients you need,” she says. One rule of thumb? You should absolutely never intermittent fast while you’re pregnant. “Intermittent fasting is generally not recommended during pregnancy and can be harmful to both mom and baby,” says Gillespie.

What about milk supply?

One big concern is that depriving the body of food for periods of time could lead to a lower milk supply. “IF itself probably won’t cause your milk supply to drop,” says registered nurse Kealy Hawk. “There have been studies done that show the output of milk is the same. Malnourished women in third world countries also have the ability to produce enough breast milk for their babies.” While interesting, it is worth noting that the research done on this was conducted on women fasting during Ramadan—not more traditional forms of intermittent fasting. Hawk says that for the most part, milk supply is dependent on demand: If a baby nurses frequently, a mother’s supply will respond accordingly. “The thing that could cause milk supply to drop is actually a mother’s energy levels,” she notes. “When she’s hungry, irritable, or fatigued from inadequate nutrition, she may not feed her baby as often—or may not keep them on the breast as long. " One thing that could be compromised, though, is the quality of the breast milk. “IF can cause nutrients in the milk to change slightly,” notes Hawk. “During intermittent fasting, milk samples had changes in milk osmolality, lactose and potassium levels. This is indicative of the lack of nutrients affecting the mother’s health and ability to synthesize milk.” If you’re intermittent fasting as a way to “lose the baby weight,” there are ways to do it safely—but Gillespie says it’s probably better to simply focus on simply following a healthy diet and exercise routine. “Counting calories and macronutrients can be of benefit as well,” she says. “By doing this, you will ensure that you and baby are both getting everything you need through the foods you’re eating while still enabling you to lose weight.” If you like intermittent fasting and want to do it while breastfeeding, it isn’t an absolute no-no—just make sure you exercise caution and work with a doctor to make sure your (and your baby’s) nutritional needs are being met. Next up, here are 21 expert-backed intermittent fasting tips.


Kristin Gillespie, registered dietitian.Kealy Hawk, registered nurse. Intermittent Fasting While Breastfeeding  Can You Do IF While Nursing  - 57