Many people don’t take a day off of work unless they’re sick or have a vacation booked. But the truth is, simply needing a break is reason enough to enjoy your PTO. In fact, mental health experts say that there are times when it’s not only a good idea to do this, but necessary. Here, experts explain when it’s wise to take a mental health day off and give tips on how to spend it so that you actually feel rejuvenated when you head back to work.

When To Take a Mental Health Day Off

Licensed psychotherapist Karen Koenig, LCSW, says that there are a few different reasons for taking a mental health day off. “One is when you feel stress building and want to avoid accruing more of it,” she says. “Decompressing for the day is like taking the top off a boiling pot to let out some steam.” If you’re feeling like a pot boiling over, you, your coworkers, and your family will all benefit from you taking a day to relax. Koenig says that another good reason for taking a mental day off is when you feel overwhelmed. If you feel a sense of panic as you open your email because you’re anxious that someone will ask you to add one more thing to your to-do list, it’s time for a break. “A third reason to take a mental health day off is to simply relax, do something fun, or stay home and sleep or do nothing—just because you deserve it,” Koenig says. Simply wanting to take a day off for the sheer joy of it is enough. Cameron Murphey, MFT, a licensed therapist in Oakland, California, says that if you are having trouble focusing at work, producing lower quality work, or your stress levels aren’t improving over time, these are also all signs that you should take a mental health day off. “This could signal that your mind and body need time to focus on something other than work,” he says. Murphey also says that if you’ve recently experienced a major life event—such as the loss of a loved one—having a day to rest your body and mind can also be immensely beneficial. For all these reasons, using your PTO to focus on self-care is not only a good idea, but a necessary one. “Mental health days are beneficial because they allow you to lower your stress levels, catch up on sleep, and give attention to other areas of your life that might have been ignored lately,” Murphey says. “They also help you to avoid burnout and restore your endurance to continue on with your work when you return.” But then comes the big question: What exactly should you spend your day off doing?

What To Do on a Mental Health Day Off

Before getting into some ideas for how to spend your mental health day off, it’s helpful to know what not to do. Number one: Do not spend your mental health day off doing work. It may sound obvious, but it isn’t always easy to ignore emails if you’re used to responding to them as soon as they come in. “As tempting as it might be, do not do any work. Even if your boss or co-workers email you or message you on Slack, do not respond,” Murphey says. “This is your day off to recover so that you will feel refreshed when you return.” In fact, he recommends avoiding screens for the entire day. Why? Screens are draining and this is your day to recharge. In terms of what you should spend your day off doing, Koenig says that it depends on the individual. “For some, revitalization comes from sleep and watching mindless TV. For others, it’s going out in nature or taking a day trip with friends or family,” she says. Whatever activities you decide, Koenig says to make sure they make you happy and glad that you took the day off to do them. Murphey recommends spending the day doing activities that are more on the relaxing side and don’t require a lot of effort. Remember, this day off is for rest and relaxation. “Ask yourself what activities you know will rejuvenate you,” he says. “For example, if you know that exercise will help, consider doing a light workout. If you know that watching a movie will take your mind off work, pick something fun—just don’t binge for the entire day!” He also says that eating well and getting lots of sleep should also be part of a mental health day off. This will help support your body and mind, working in conjunction with the relaxing activities you’ll spend time doing. There are times when taking one day off is not enough to meet one’s emotional needs and it can be beneficial to meet with a therapist regularly. “If you notice not feeling relaxed or recharged on your mental health day, or that you’re dreading returning to work, it may be a sign that you should speak with a therapist,” Murphey says. “Therapy can help people find ways to reduce stress and better prioritize self-care.”  He adds that if you feel that you can benefit from several days off, don’t be afraid to talk to your manager about taking additional time off. “People often need a few days just to get their mind off work, let alone to begin relaxing,” he says. It bears repeating that you don’t have to have a vacation booked to another country or state to use your PTO. Simply enjoying downtime at home can greatly benefit your mental health. Not only will you be happier, but your work will be better too because you’ll be more focused once you do start working again. If you think about it that way, mental days off are a win for everyone!  Next up, here are 156 ideas for practicing self-care. You deserve it! 


Karen Koenig, LCSW, licensed psychotherapistCameron Murphey, MFT, licensed therapist