With age comes the potential for developing numerous health concerns, whether they’re cognitive-related or related to trouble with movement and balance. For many people, these conditions can significantly affect their quality of life. Interestingly, according to a new study, the ability to balance for 10 seconds on one foot may predict life expectancy. Results showed that those who failed the test were twice as likely to die in the next 10 years. These findings seem a bit extreme, so we have to wonder: Is there really such a strong connection between balance and how long you’ll live? Here, doctors weigh in on the 10-second balance test results.

With the BJSM study, it’s important to look at the population under investigation.  “This experiment involved white, mostly male, subjects aged 51-75,” says Dr. Gina Kim, PT, DPT, PTA, CIDN. “Balance ability does decline with age, so while it’s false to say that if anyone can’t balance on one leg, they’re more likely to die, it is reasonable to be concerned for the safety of an older individual who can’t do so.” Study authors also mention that poor balance and musculoskeletal fitness can be linked with frailty in older adults. This can make them more prone to adverse health conditions. An older person with poor balance and who is de-conditioned is much more likely to fall and break bones, such as the hip, wrist or shoulder. They are more likely to be hospitalized, which can then lead to a cascade of problems, such as the increased risk of infection and/or mental decline, Dr. Kim explains. Furthermore, they are then more likely to fall in the future. In fact, the World Health Organization lists falls as the second leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide. Dr. David Culpepper, MD, Clinical Director of LifeMD, agrees that lack of balance predicts falling, which can have severe health implications. “I was skeptical at first, but after looking at the study, the reasoning is sound. In addition to possible musculoskeletal weakness in the adults that could not balance for 10 seconds, I think you have to consider how the lack of balance predicts a higher risk of falling,” Dr. Culpepper states. “While falling down might not seem like a big deal to many people, for the elderly a simple fall can have very serious and lasting consequences to their health.” Since the bones weaken with age, a fall can lead to serious breakage that may or may not heal, and some fractures can also lead to serious infections that can even be fatal, Dr. Culpepper adds. “I have also seen quite a few instances of head wounds from falls in the elderly, and for a population that is already at risk for dementia, a head wound is a very serious matter and one that can also be fatal. I think some serious consideration should be given to making a balance test part of the standard physical examination for older, adults—provided, of course, that the patient is not already at risk for falling during the test.” Dr. Alissa Kuizinas, MD, a board-certified podiatrist explains that along with an increased risk of falling, decreased walking speed and decreased walking efficiency are also factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease and deconditioning.  “There is also a link between balance and cognitive function, as the body’s ability to receive input from the environment is translated in the brain to allow the body to stabilize itself. If this ability is compromised, cognition can suffer as well. All of these factors can increase mortality rate,” says Dr. Kuizinas. This study provides very useful information as it highlights the need for better evaluation of balance, especially in older adults.  Factors such as overly cushioned footwear, lack of sensory input and lack of ground purchase of the foot due to deformities such as bunions all contribute to poor balance, Dr. Kuizinas states. These are easily treatable when identified, and there are simple ways for at-risk individuals to improve their single leg balance with specific exercises and lifestyle habits. Next up: 8 Life Issues You’re Bound to Face When Caring for an Aging Parent 


Dr. Gina Kim, PT DPT, PTA, CIDNDavid Culpepper, MD, Clinical Director of LifeMDDr. Alissa Kuizinas, board-certified podiatrist World Health Organization: “Falls” How the 10 Second Balance Test May Correlate With Longevity - 53