“Breathing in air when close to an infected person and/or when splashes or sprays of the virus land on your eyes, nose, or mouth are all examples of how COVID-19 is spread,”  Dr. Jose Mercado, MD, an epidemiologist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and assistant professor of medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, tells Parade.com. In some cases, the virus may be contracted by touching an infected surface. Unfortunately, this means one could contract COVID-19 anywhere, from the grocery store and mall to a small family gathering. But how and where is COVID-19 being spread right now? Has the fact that more than 50% of the country is now vaccinated and the Delta variant—which is two times more contagious than previous strains—affected transmission rates? From concerts and bars to restaurants and large outdoor events, here’s where transmission is at its highest.

Bars and restaurants

Bars and restaurants have been a source of COVID-19 transmission since the beginning of the pandemic, and recent evidence suggests that continues to be the case.  “You have decreases in cases and deaths when you wear masks, and you have increases in cases and deaths when you have in-person restaurant dining,” Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, saidin response to CDC data showing a link between indoor dining and increased COVID-19 cases. 

Small, informal get-togethers

With the holidays approaching and COVID rates (seemingly) on the decline, many are planning small, informal get-togethers, but experts remain wary. A 2020 studyfound that in areas with high transmission, households that had recently held a birthday party had a 30% higher risk of COVID-19 infection than those that did not. There was also a COVID spike during the 2020 holiday season thanks, in large part, to small gatherings. That said, this year is different because so many of us are not vaccinated. But vaccinated or not, smaller gatherings are still safer than larger ones because limiting your exposure to others decreases your odds of contracting the virus. However, any gathering comes with inherent risk. For this reason, the CDC recommends that small gatherings be held outdoors, if possible. Mask guidelines should also be adhered to.

Gyms and fitness studios

Another COVID hotspot, gyms and fitness studios can be areas with high transmission rates, specifically when masks are not worn. A study from February 2021 found that being in these spaces comes with inherent risk, even if gym patrons follow social distancing guidelines. “The increased respiratory exertion that occurs in the enclosed spaces of indoor exercise facilitates transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” the CDC team wrote in the Chicago report. “Exercising outdoors or virtually could further reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk.”

Large, outdoor events 

Wait, aren’t outdoor events safe? Haven’t we been advised to meet (and mingle) with friends and family outdoors? While outdoor events are safer than indoor ones, large gatherings like concerts and sporting events, have been linked to several outbreaks. Several outdoor music festivals, for example, have resulted in coronavirus clusters. Youth sports may also increase your risk of contracting COVID-19; however, this study remains inconclusive and may have more to do with kids spending time together off the field than with games and practices.

What this means

It’s important to note that COVID transmission rates vary, and the level of risk for and with each activity depends on where you live. Know the number of current cases in your city, which can be found via a quick Google search. And know what your local regulations look like: In New York City, for example, vaccines are required for all indoor activities, from dining to attending Broadway. This means the risk of engaging in these activities is inherently lower, because we know that fully vaccinated people have a very high level of protection. And when you can wear a mask, do so. Masks work best when everyone in the room has one on, but you’ll still benefit from masking up—even when those around you aren’t. Next up: The Best Masks to Wear to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19.


Jose Mercado, an epidemiologist “CDC Study Finds Mask Mandates, Dining Out Influence Virus Spread.” NBC News.  “Children’s Birthdays May Have Spread COVID Infections.” Scientific American.  “Small and Large Gatherings.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  “Health Department Investigating Covid-19 Cases Linked to Electric Zoo Music Festival on Randall’s Island Over Labor Day Weekend.” NYC Health. Everything You Need to Know About Where COVID Is Spreading Right Now - 15