Kate was in Cornwall today ahead of the G7 summit this weekend, and took part in a roundtable discussion about early childhood education with none other than First Lady Jill Biden! When asked by NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell whether she had any wishes for Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s week-old daughter, Kate replied, “I wish her all the very best. I can’t wait to meet her… we haven’t met her yet. She went on, “I hope that will be soon.” “Have you FaceTimed with her?” Andrea asked, to which Kate said, “No, we haven’t.” Lilibet was born on June 4th and described in a statement by the Sussexes as “more than we could have ever imagined.” Lili is the queen’s 11th great-grandchild and is eighth in line to the throne after her 2-year-old brotherArchie Harrison. Kate wore a belted dress by Alexander McQueen in dahlia pink for her engagement today, which resulted in a twinning moment with the FLOTUS—Jill Biden wore a luminous pink blazer. We’re looking forward to dissecting all the style from this evening’s G7 reception, hosted by Queen Elizabeth IIand whose guests will include Prince William, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla. Next up, find out why Prince Harry is expected to return to the UK next month!