Most Common Types of Headaches

Tension headaches

Commonly presents as a pressure or tightening sensation around the head. Usually involves the entire head. Reducing stress can help improve this headache. Over the counter medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Motrin or Tylenol can help. However, you should not be taking these medications daily to treat this type of headache and should see a doctor if you have this type of headache more than a couple times per week.

Migraine headaches

Commonly presents as a pulsing/pounding/throbbing sensation, can be on one side of the head or both. Also may involve seeing flashing or bright lights in your vision (in one eye or both). Can be associated with nausea or vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light or sound. If you have these headaches infrequently then sometimes an NSAID can help reduce the pain, however, if you have these headaches more than once per week your doctor may prescribe medications to prevent the migraines. Options for preventing migraines include nerve or anti-seizure medications (Topamax, Gabapentin, Depakote), antidepressants (Nortriptyline, Cymbalta) or anti-hypertensive medications. Remember that many medications have multiple uses, so the above medications can be used to treat migraines, as well as seizures, high blood pressure and depression. If NSAIDs do not help in reducing the acute pain of migraines, your doctor may prescribe other stronger medications, such as sumatriptan (or other medications in the Triptan family) or medications such as Dihydroergotamine or Fioricet. Sometimes anti-nausea medications can also help with the acute nausea associated with migraines.

Sinus headaches

Can present with sinus pain and pressure associated with headaches, usually in the front of the head. Can be treated with sinus rinses (such as the Neti-pot), as well as with NSAIDs. It is best to have a doctor evaluate your sinuses and determine if this really is the type of headache you have, and if it requires imaging (pictures) of your sinuses for further evaluation. Sometimes this can be due to infections of the sinus that may need antibiotics to treat.

Cluster headaches

Commonly presents as stabbing pain on one side of the head, associated with tearing of one eye and sweating of the face. Cluster headaches usually are very short-lasting (less than 30 minutes), but occur many times in a day or week (“clustering of headaches.”) Cluster headaches can acutely be treated with inhaled oxygen and other preventive treatments. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor to confirm that this is the type of headache you have before beginning treatment.

Hormone headaches

Sometimes women can experience headaches or migraines that are worse around the time of menses. Catamenial migraines are usually treated with similar treatments as regular migraines, although your doctor may recommend adjusting your medication during the time of menstruation.

Rebound headaches

Can present as any of the above headaches, although most commonly occurs with migraines or tension headaches. Rebound headaches occur when certain medication used to treat the acute symptoms of a headache are used too often. For example, someone who takes Motrin (or Tylenol, or Fioricet) every day to treat headaches, will then start developing rebound headaches. You cannot get rebound headaches from taking daily preventive medications that your doctor prescribes to you. The best treatment in this situation is to stop taking the daily acute medication, to give your body a rest.

Think smart about your headache

“If you suddenly develop a new or different headache, it is always best to see a doctor so they can help you figure out why you are having sudden new headaches,” says Gupta. “If you have a chronic headache condition, it is important to know what type of headache you have, so that it can be best treated.” Next, check out these 6 Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines and Why You Wake Up With A Morning Headache.


Isha Gupta, M.D. from Igea Brain & SpineMigraine Research Foundation: “About Migraine” 6 Most Common Types of Headaches - 36