There may be no better time for the practice of practice of mindfulness than right at this very moment. This is always true, but it’s especially true now, as we live through the coronavirus pandemic: Experts suggest that being mindfully aware of the present moment and avoiding multitasking can help us better manage the stressors we face. “We live in a culture that values multitasking,” says Jane Pernotto Ehrman, a behavioral health therapist at the Cleveland Clinic. “Yet the truth is that we don’t do anything well unless we’re doing just one thing at a time. Being mindful is really about paying attention to what we’re doing.” As we continue to manage a boatload of responsibilities—jobs, spouses, kids, households—it’s wise to incorporate calming, centering activities into your day-to-day life. There are a number of quick, easy and practical techniques that can help you appreciate all that you have, become more aware of your body, and ultimately, enjoy better health for years to come.
What are mindfulness exercises?
When was the last time you really thought about your breath, what the act of breathing in and out feels like, and how the body benefits from that essential action? When was the last time you truly savored your food? Or the last time you listened to a friend or colleague with total focus? “We’re all so scattered these days. Our brains are filled with worries about health, plans for grocery deliveries, and questions about online school or summer camp,” says Katherine Reynolds Lewis, a certified parent educator, journalist and author of The Good News About Bad Behavior: Why Kids Are Less Disciplined Than Ever—And What to Do About It. “So it’s natural to feel distracted and overwhelmed. But we can learn to bring back our attention and focus.” With some practice, you’ll find that incorporating mindfulness exercises into your day-to-day life is a surprisingly seamless process. No matter how much is on your plate right now (and we know it’s a lot!) here are 25 actions to start incorporating into your routine ASAP.
25 Mindfulness Exercises
1. Start the day with a purposeful stretch toward the sky. As soon as you get out of bed, reach up high with both arms—and hold it. Then slowly bring your arms to your sides again. Repeat. You don’t have to be a yoga practitioner to do this; it’s about being conscious of your body and present with yourself as you awaken. The follow video provides stretches that are both mindful and energizing, and don’t require a lot of space. 2.As you sip your morning coffee or tea, look around you. Savor your view, whatever it may be. Just be present before you start your day. For some people, a mere minute or two of this very deliberate action can yield a sense of peace and “centeredness” for hours afterward. 3.Take two deep breaths. Breathe in and hold it; then breathe out deeply. Do it again. This is an easy yet powerful action. Be especially aware of your expanding chest and the air as it leaves your body. Often, you’ll be letting go of tension as you exhale. “Try it now, then try it one more time,” urge the experts at the Cleveland Clinic. Purposeful, deliberate breathing is vital to true mindfulness. 4.Pick a positive word or phrase that’s meaningful to you and repeat that mantra aloud or in your head. “It could simply be, ‘I am blessed,’ or, ‘In this moment, I’m OK.’ It’s a way of connecting with your inner strength and sense of power,” says Pernotto Ehrman. This comforting action can be done any time of day. “The repetitiveness of it helps you pay attention in the moment.” 5. In the same vein, recall what you’re thankful for each day. Take a moment to feel gratitude; it’s definitely not wasted time. Maybe you’re grateful for your spouse, your close friends, a new colleague, the clean clothes in your closet, your sweet cat. Whatever it might be, purposely articulate to yourself, “I am grateful.” 6.Step outside on your balcony, porch, deck or sidewalk and feel the breeze. Smell the fresh air and hear the sounds of nature. “Even if it’s raining, listen to the sounds of the rain,” advises Pernotto Ehrman. It’s the act of “stepping away from everything else” and being “right here, right now,” even for a moment, that’s empowering. 7.Go for a walk and enjoy every step. “Pay attention to how good it feels just to walk,” says Pernotto Ehrman. “Nothing else is required. Just breathe and walk. Feel your arms swing back and forth. Feel your hips rotate as you take each step, how it feels with each footfall as you walk on the grass or along a path. Breathe in the fresh air and take in the scenery around you.” 8.“Start keeping a list of activities that help you feel grounded and present,” advises parent educator Lewis, who is a mom herself.For busy parents, those activities “may include daily exercise, outdoor time, cuddles with your kids, or reading time. Even the routine of writing down your to-do list first thing in the morning can be helpful,” she adds. And composing the list doesn’t need to take a long time, either. 9. Ignore distracting or negative thought streams that can “take you away from the only reality there is, which is the present moment,” notes William Beaman, an executive coach. Rather than rehashing past difficulties or worrying about future challenges, he advises witnessing those types of thoughts “without inhabiting them. Just let them float past, like clouds in a summer sky.” When you do this, you’ll remain anchored in the present. 10.By the same token, become comfortable with silence in your work setting or home office. There is no need to fill quiet spaces with constant noise or chatter. Even when speaking to others, it’s OK to pause between ideas for a few seconds—“that’s you being thoughtful,” says Beaman. And thoughtfulness is akin to mindfulness. 11. When you take your first bite of delicious food, such a special snack, taste it—really taste it, advises Pernotto Ehrman. “Close your eyes and just feel that piece of food in your mouth and how your mouth responds, and then start to bite it and taste it and chew it. When your eyes are closed, your other senses are heightened, so you can really sense the flavor and the texture.” 12. While eating meals, be sure to have a separate table for your food—don’t eat and do other things at the same time. “If we’re eating and working, or eating and watching TV, we’re not being fully present in the moment,” says Pernotto Ehrman. Step away from your work desk or office and eat in the kitchen, dining room, or somewhere else so that you can fully enjoy what you’re doing, she advises. 13.Relish the ordinary. Even something mundane like washing dishes can be relaxing, “when you simply feel the warm water on your hands and you’re fully present to the satisfaction of cleaning your plate,” says the same wellness expert—as opposed to grousing that you have a chore to do. 14. During this age of multiple Zoom meetings, make certain that you pause between work events. “Even for 30 seconds, just sit and breathe or drink some water, and cool your jets,” says Pernotto Ehrman. “If you do that, you’ll be more present and clearheaded in each meeting you attend.” 15. Listen well to everyone, no matter who they are. “Listen actively and mindfully to your coworkers, family members and friends,” say the experts at the Cleveland Clinic. “Strong relationships and broad community networks are good for your body and spirit.” 16. Take a break from the media. Sure, we all want news and information, but “we must be the gatekeeper,” says Pernotto Ehrman. “We want credibility. We want good information. But do we want speculation? You need to decide how much is enough. Ask yourself: ‘How do I feel after I watch the news?’ If you feel ramped up and worried, that’s not helpful.” 17. Read a poem. Turn the poetic phrases over in your mind. Say the words aloud. Read the same poem a second or third time. A reflection on poetry, even for a short time, can help pull us out of a go-go-go, do-do-do routine. 18. Laugh. Watch a favorite comedy show or stand-up routine, even just a few minutes of it, when you can. You’ll feel recharged and renewed—and the best comedians command our full attention. If you don’t have a go-to show that makes you laugh, watch Jimmy Kimmel interview Jerry Seinfeld at home during quarantine. 19. Write in a journal. So few people take the time to write things out in longhand these days, and the act of doing so slows us down and forces us to think about what matters to us. Journaling and living in the present practically go hand-in-hand. Do your journaling at whatever time of day works best for you. 20.Make breathing exercises fun, especially if you have young kids and are teaching them mindfulness techniques. “Pretend that you’re smelling a slice of delicious pizza and then blowing on it to cool it down,” suggests Lewis. “Or imagine you’re smelling a lovely flower—and then blowing the petals into the wind.” 21.“For older kids, if you can convince them to learn meditation, you can then ask them to lead the family in a meditation,” Lewis also advises. “They love being in control.” In her home, her family does this together before bedtime. “My kids will lead us in box breaths, where you breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds—and then hold another four seconds before breathing back in.” 22. Hug those you love—and make a point of building this wonderful, life-affirming action into your day. 23. As you wind things down and climb into bed at night, let go of the day with deep breaths, urges Pernotto Ehrman. “For the first 30 seconds that you’re in bed, make a point of feeling the mattress holding you up. Feel your body sinking in just a touch more with each exhale. Then feel the covers on your body—maybe they’re soft, comfortable. Nothing else is required. Lie there and breathe.” This evening practice can also help you fall asleep sooner if that’s been an area of concern for you. 24. Pray. Your prayer can be short, simple, personal, even just a few words. 25. Forgive yourself. At times, your mind will wander—so don’t beat yourself up about it. “It’s important that people know we can’t just shut off our minds whenever we want to. Mindfulness is a discipline,” says the Cleveland Clinic’s Pernotto Ehrman. “So let’s cut ourselves some slack and allow ourselves to get better at it over time.” Next, read these50 mindfulness quotes to help inspire you on your mindfulness journey.