You’re all too familiar with the term “winter blues.” Everyone tends to feel a little more down and tired during the winter months, but what if it’s something more? What if you can hardly get out of bed in the morning, you haven’t seen your friends in weeks, and you just can’t seem to muster an interest in anything? There is a form of depression that goes beyond the expected winter blues. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and according to Janice Schreier, MSW/LCSW, a clinical therapist at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin, it’s a form of clinical depression that happens only during certain months of the year. “Symptoms typically start to show up in the fall and tend to worsen with winter,” she says. “On average, SAD will last about five months of the year.” Experts are continuing to study what causes SAD, although there are some good theories. Some studies point to where one lives in relation to the equator; the farther you live from the equator, the higher the chance you may suffer from SAD. Other research says that with winter comes a lack of sunlight (blame those cloudy days and bundling up, which covers up skin that could otherwise soak up sunlight), and with that comes a lack of vitamin D. If you’re finding that it’s difficult to function in your daily life, you may be experiencing this type of “affective disorder,” or a mood disorder that can impact a person’s emotions, throughout the winter. Dr. Luana Marques, Director of Community Psychiatry PRIDE at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), says that SAD impacts at least 5% of the U.S. population and is generally more common in women. Schreier explains, “The main difference between depression and SAD is that SAD has more of a seasonal pattern to it, where you will see recurring episodes happen more predictably during certain seasons of the year.” While a person isn’t necessarily born with SAD, experts believe that it runs in families. Schreier says that the criteria for diagnosing SAD are pretty much the same as for diagnosing major depression, “but we are also looking for a seasonal pattern with it,” she says. There is one upside to SAD. Since it’s tied to the changing seasons, it does allow a person to predict its onset, which means you can prepare for it ahead of time. If you suspect that you might have SAD, read through the following list, and share your thoughts with your doctor. They will be able to suggest treatment options and provide support to you as you navigate this challenging season.

15 signs of seasonal affective disorder

Persistently feeling down or sad

One key sign of SAD, or any depressive disorder for that matter, is feeling persistently down or sad. Dr. Marques that one will feel depressed most of the day, nearly every day. “Many people find benefit from medications, such as an antidepressant, which needs to be prescribed by a doctor,” Schreier says.

Losing interest in hobbies and other activities

Schreier says that one common symptom of SAD is losing interest in things that you would normally enjoy, such as hobbies and social activities. Although it can be difficult to work up an interest in anything while you’re experiencing depression, try your best to focus on one activity that could help your SAD symptoms: exercise. “I am a huge fan of utilizing physical activity to help with managing depressive symptoms,” Schreier says. “Research has shown us that exercising daily for 20 minutes has similar effectiveness to taking an antidepressant. If you take that physical activity outside, it can make a huge difference.” Marques adds that spending time outdoors provides opportunities to be in direct sunlight, something that could boost your vitamin D.

Sleeping too much

Sleep disturbances are a hallmark of SAD, and of general depressive disorders. During the winter, you may find yourself sleeping too much, which Schreier says is known clinically as hypersomnia. You may find yourself sleeping in frequently or laying down for naps during the day.

Sleeping too little

On the flip side, SAD can make you sleep too little. If you’re having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during the winter months, you may be experiencing insomnia as a result of your SAD.

Feeling fatigued

“Feeling sluggish,” as Dr. Marques puts it, is a common SAD symptom. Blame it on your lack of sleep or just feeling tired in general, but feeling fatigued is fairly standard when it comes to winter depression.

Loss of energy

“People almost always report feeling a loss of energy nearly every day of the affected months,” Schreier says. But this low energy doesn’t need to rule your life during the winter. Schreier recommends something called bright light therapy, which involves sitting near a lightbox for at least 30 minutes upon waking each morning. This can help you balance your circadian rhythm, something that becomes disrupted with SAD, and the light can give you more energy. “It’s considered an effective treatment for SAD,” she says. Schreier cautions that anyone interested in light therapy should meet with a clinician familiar with the type of box needed to be effective, the length of time needed to sit in front of a lightbox, and how to set it up. “I have seen some people have excellent results from bright lightboxes, but only when they follow a specific prescription of how to utilize it,” she says.

Difficulty concentrating

Are you lacking motivation? Are you finding it impossible to focus on your work or household tasks these days? One well-known symptom of SAD is difficulty concentrating.

Eating too much

Dr. Marques says that overeating is a frequent symptom associated with SAD. It especially makes sense during the winter months, when your body wants to hibernate and emotional eating temporarily lifts your brain’s “happy chemicals.”

Not eating enough

During the winter, you may also find yourself not wanting to eat very much at all. A lack of appetite can be a common symptom of SAD.

Craving carbohydrates

People who suffer from seasonal affective disorder often crave carbohydrates, as Dr. Marques points out. Eating white bread, white rice, or sugar-laden treats may feel good at the time since it creates a temporary serotonin boost, but eating heavy carbs can translate to a low mood later.

Feelings of worthlessness

Dr. Marques says that feeling hopeless or worthless are expected feelings when one is dealing with SAD. Your thoughts may play tricks on you, telling you that you’re not good enough, or they make you feel guilty for not being able to do the things you usually do. This is where Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comes in. Schreier says that CBT is an effective treatment for clinical depression and SAD. “CBT can help people learn how to manage their symptoms of depression or at least reduce the severity of the symptoms,” she says. Dr. Marques agrees and says that CBT allows people to break down their thoughts and overwhelming negative patterns by changing the way they think about them.

Weight changes

As a result of your changing eating patterns during the winter, you may experience weight gain or weight loss as you go through SAD.

Feeling agitated

Feeling agitated is a surprisingly standard symptom of SAD, as Dr. Marques notes. You may feel irritable, short-tempered, and prickly during the winter months.

Social withdrawal

Dr. Marques says that if you’re dealing with SAD, you may want to withdraw socially, to make yourself feel as if you’re “hibernating.” “I would like to emphasize that it is really important for people to stay active during the winter months,” Schreier says. “Oftentimes, people will become relatively inactive during the colder months, preferring to stay at home and isolate. This can contribute to a decreased mood, so it is important that people continue to engage with friends, stay in a routine, and get active at home and outside of the home.”

Suicidal ideation

As with other depressive disorders, having frequent thoughts of death or suicide can be symptoms. This is when it’s essential to inform your doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, and close family members of your condition. It will be crucial to develop a clear treatment plan if you’re experiencing these symptoms. “For someone with a history of SAD, I would encourage that person to talk with their doctor or a clinical therapist about setting up a plan to better manage mood during the winter months,” Schreier encourages. Next up, discover foods that are high in vitamin D. Sources

Janice Schreier, MSW/LCSW, a clinical therapist at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin.Dr. Luana Marques, Director of Community Psychiatry PRIDE at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).Nordic Journal of Psychiatry: “The prevalence of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in Greenland is related to latitude”Mental Health Practice: “Seasonal affective disorder: an overview” 15 Signs of Seasons Affective Disorder - 60