If you live an active lifestyle, finding a dog that matches your activity level is a great place to start. “Any dogs in the ‘working’ dog category are genetically bred to be more active and athletic,” explains Dr. Kelly Oberschelp, DVM, a veterinarian at Bluebonnet Animal Hospital based in Austin, Texas. “This would include herding dogs (Aussies, Border Collies, Cattle Dogs) and hunting dogs (Vizslas, Pointers, Retrievers, Weimaraners).” Of course, each dog will be different and if they are a brachycephalic dog breed—meaning they have smushed faces, like French Bulldogs, Pugs, Bostons, Boxers and especially English Bulldogs—Dr. Oberschelp urges you to exercise with caution as they are very prone to overheating due to their squished airways. Before you work out with your dog outdoors, take stock of the temperature, both air and ground (if it’s too hot or too cold for your hand after 10 seconds, it’s too hot for your dog) and humidity (Dr. Oberschelp shares that pets sweat only through their paws and heat stroke can happen quickly) to make sure you both stay safe and have as much fun as possible. If you and your pooch are ready to get moving, we rounded up ten expert-recommended workouts to do with your dog.

10 best dog workouts


Studies have found that walking your dog doesn’t just benefit their health; it can also give you a positive physical activity boost. If you are looking to increase the intensity, Sergio Fernandez, a personal trainer at Life Time Coral Gables, shares additional exercises you can do during your walk. “Some exercises you can do while walking the dog [include] walking lunges or forward jump squats,” notes Fernandez. “I also think that there are accessories that are easy to bring along during a walk, such as resistance bands; you can do exercises such as lateral band walks while walking the dog.”


Running with a dog definitely takes some training, but it can be a great way to get active dogs the exercise they need. The biggest thing to consider when running with your dog is that you should run at their pace, not yours. If you are training for a specific race, then, or will be trying to keep a certain pace, you may want to leave your furry friend at home. “Just like with people, I recommend starting with a slow steady rate and distance and working up to longer distances and speeds,” encourages Dr. Oberschelp. “ We always want to allow our pets to set their own pace and never force exercise on them.” 


If you’re hoping to take a day trip for some hiking—or even camp overnight—taking your dog along can be great for both of you. Of course, you’ll want to make sure dogs are allowed on the trails and they are prepared for any climbing that may need to be done, but with preparation, it can be a great way to get your pet some movement. “[Make sure] that there are places for your dog to drink water,” advises Fernandez. “If not, plan to bring water with you. If it’s uncomfortable to carry, there are many products that allow you to strap water bottles around your waist for easier carrying.”


If yoga is your favorite form of movement, Doga—yes, dog yoga—is totally a thing. If there aren’t studios offering classes in your area, there are a lot of great YouTube videos (like this one!) that can get you started. 


If your dog knows how to swim, a trip to the local swimming hole can be a great activity for you both. While you shouldn’t expect to be able to get in some laps, you can splash around with your dog and help them cool off (even after a short hike). 

Kayaking or paddleboarding

Fernandez recommends this workout, which can be a great way to enjoy being out on the water without having to leave your dog at home. Be prepared with a life jacket for your dog and make sure they are trained to sit (though they may even be able to hop in and get a few paddle sessions in while you sit and take a break). 

HIIT workout

If you are looking for a creative way to time a HIIT workout, getting in a bodyweight workout while throwing the dog for your ball is what you need. Throw the ball and spend the time it takes for your dog to retrieve it and bring it back doing your HIIT; rest while you grab the ball and throw it again. “While the dog goes to fetch the ball, these are some great body exercises you can do: bodyweight squats, walking or stationary lunges, jump squats, jump lunges, planks, pushups, triceps pushups, plyometric pushups, plank with shoulder taps, elbow plank to pushup plank, side planks, sprints, glute bridges, ice skaters, high knees, jumping jacks, crunches, sit-ups, bicycle crunches, mountain climbers, donkey kicks, bear crawls and lateral lunges,” suggests Fernandez. Pick and choose a few moves each day and you’ve got yourself and short and effective HIIT routine. 


If you want to work on your sprinting, playing fetch with your dog is a great way to do that. Fernandez suggests playing against your dog by throwing the ball and racing them to get it.


If you’re looking to practice your tennis strokes but don’t have a partner, let your dog take the other side of the court. Be sure to check the temperature of the court before your dog spends time running around—again, Dr. Oberschelp says if you can’t set your hand on the ground for 10 seconds without it burning, it is too hot—and let them retrieve the tennis balls for you. 


In the same vein as fetch, frisbee can be a great workout for you and your dog. Not only will you get some twisting movement for your upper body, but you can also try racing your dog to the frisbee and get in cardio at the same time.  Next up, find out other ways to keep your dog busy and beat boredom. 


Christian H, Bauman A, Epping JN, et al. Encouraging Dog Walking for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016;12(3):233-243. Published 2016 Apr 17. Dr. Kelly Oberschelp, DVM, a veterinarian at Bluebonnet Animal Hospital based in Austin, TexasSergio Fernandez, Personal Trainer at the Life Time Coral Gables location 10 Workouts You Can Do With Your Dog - 50