Try these simple fake-outs for some harmless Halloween fun. Whether you’re pranking your family, partner, friends or cubicle mates, we bet they’ll be howling with laughter at your epic prank.

Easy Funny Halloween Pranks

  1. Freeze gummy eyeballs in ice cubes, then add them to your victim’s drink.
  2. Buy cheap hair extensions the same color as your target’s hair and scatter them around her pillow during the night.
  3. Unscrew a shower head and dry the inside of it thoroughly; then pour in a packet of red powdered drink mix and replace the shower head. The unlucky person who turns on the faucet will be showered with fake blood.
  4. Buy a kit to make caramel apples at the grocery store, but substitute the apples with onions. Cover them with nuts or coconut to complete the disguise and bring them to a Halloween party for a larger prank you can simultaneously pull on many unsuspecting victims!
  5. This one’s for a generous prankster: Go trick-or-treating, but instead of taking candy from a neighbor’s bowl, put candy into his bowl. Quickly turn and walk away.

Scary Halloween Pranks

  1. This easy, scary Halloween prank is perfect for an unsuspecting family member. Place a rubber bat, rat or snake in the toilet and close the lid.
  2. Prep this prank the night before Halloween to start the day with a fright: Dip your finger or a cotton swab in some liquid dish soap, and write a creepy invisible message on the bathroom mirror, like “I’m watching you.” When your victim takes a shower and the mirror fogs up, your words will mysteriously appear.
  3. Dress up like a scarecrow, witch, ghost, or mummy (be sure to cover your hands and face) and plant yourself along the path to your front door after dark, as if you are a decorative dummy. Stay as still as possible until trick-or-treaters approach; then jump forward to welcome them.
  4. We love this fun and scary prank idea from eHow Crafts: Measure half the length of a doorway with a piece of string and cut it to that length. Tie a plastic spider to one end and tape the other end to the center of the door frame. Now rest the spider on the edge of the top of the door and leave the door slightly ajar. Your creepy crawly will drop down on the next person who walks through the door.
  5. In the bottom of a Tupperware container or cardboard box, cut a hole big enough to put your hand through and cover it with tissue paper. Fill the container or box with candy. Offer a treat to an unsuspecting victim, and as he reaches in, pop your hand through the tissue paper to grab his hands. Now check out these great “mummy” and baby Halloween costumes.